First Printing: July 2004

Changes made for the second printing: October 2004
Page Chapter/Section Change
iv c00/0.t 2nd printing
157 c05/5.t spell out addr, len, prot
158 c05/5.t spell out addr, len
413 c10/0.t compter => computer
439 c11/1.t drop space before comma
480 c12/ifnet.xfig flags => if_flags in ifaddr structures
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Changes made for the third printing: November 2004
Page Chapter/Section Change
iv c00/0.t 3rd printing, new international & contract info
v c00/0.t Dedication header gone
xix c00/1.t Suse => SuSE
xxii c00/5.t parenthesis => parentheses
259 c06/7.t kernfs paragraph gone, linproc paragraph added
445 c11/mbufpkt.xfig clean up line edges
446 c11/mbufext.xfig clean up line edges
571 c13/transport.xfig clean up line edges
572 c13/tunnel.xfig clean up line edges
660 c17/Input kernfs gone, linproc added
665 c17/Input kernfs gone, linproc added
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Changes made for the fourth printing: Date TBD
Page Chapter/Section Change
iv c00/0.t 4th printing
52-54 c03/1.t program status longword => processor-status longword
54 c03/2.t system-call handler => system-call handler, syscall,
63 c03/6.t as it is needed => as needed
81 c04/1.t parents current => parent's current
103 c04/prifuncs.xfig setpriority => resetpriority
169 c05/8.t The system => The BSD system
174 c05/A.t object handle => pager handle
175 c05/A.t pgo_getpages => pgo_putpages
177 c05/A.t range of device => range of unmanaged
179 c05/A.t swapoff system call => swapoff utility
259 c06/7.t linprocfs emulates => linprocfs filesystem emulates
270 c07/2.t stripped => striped
289 c07/5.t xref 5.10 => 5.3
320 c08/5.t that process 2 => that that process too
352 c08/7.t e.g., => i.e.,
390 c09/2.t fix table format (title at top)
443 c11/mbuf.xfig add example to right of the mbuf data structure
446 c11/mbufext.xfig add example to right of the mbuf data structure
466 c11/8.t add missing text after (see Section 4.3)
481 c12/1.t missing close parenthesis in Figure 12.4
499 c12/5.t missing text between system--it
501 c12/5.t routes, which => routes. The individual routes
548 c13/7.t the TCP => the BSD TCP implementation
627 c15/term2def See IPv4. => See IPv4 domain.
650 c15/defs/udp Missing period in UDP definition
671,672 c17/acronymns hyphenate processor-status longword
677 c17/Index add page 54 reference for syscall()
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